
Monday, 23 October 2017


Good morning all.

Metering was the subject of last weeks email from Emma at A Year with my Camera. I took one look at the title and thought urrrgggh this sounds complicated!!

.....then I read the email and realised I was one step ahead of the game as I'd inadvertently turned the histogram and exposure compensation bar on a few days earlier when fiddling with the settings (as you do!). Not knowing how I'd managed to switch them on I just left them there. By the end of the email I understood what they were for and how to use them...and I hadn't got out of bed yet!!
Today is going to be a good day (I thought)!!

I tackled the homework quickly once I was up, just to test out the theory and no problems on either Aperture or Shutter Priority mode...I then went to manual! Oh dear...I should have just gone back to bed at this point...! 
After a trip out with hubby I came back to it...both the histogram and the exposure compensation bar were visible but the bar wasn't live...much teeth gnashing, hair pulling, camera setting and resetting, manual reading and googling later (with the odd naughty word in between) I suddenly realised it wasn't meant to work....that's a couple of hours of my life I wont get back...but it's a lesson I won't forget in a hurry either!

Excuse the shadows...I really must find somewhere to set up my light box!

I'm going to a photography class locally tonight with eldest, to find out when and how to capture the Northern Lights. Hopefully the skies will be clear enough to go out afterwards and put our new skills into practice.

Carol x

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